One of the biggest challenges facing any organisation today is how to manage increasing amount of information available in variety of data types and formats.
eBiziiMS provides a platform to move towards a less paper environment in a phased and gradual manner.
It is a comprehensive document management system with multi-level security framework which lets you control user access up to document level. It focuses on the entire lifecycle of a document from Scanning to Storing to Sharing- its like your organisation’s digital file cabinet!

Find the information you need quickly and effectively, to make better and faster business decisions
Improved Customer Service and Compliance.

Most businesses realize the need to protect their records after disaster strikes!
Are you one of them?
eBizArchive offers you the capability to capture, store and retrieve your documents.
First captures the information from scanned or uploaded documents.
Second, manage information using index keys that enable access to documents easily and when needed.
First captures the information from scanned or uploaded documents.
Second, manage information using index keys that enable access to documents easily and when needed.
eBizFlow is a clear way to automate document intensive tasks or any process that involves routing electronic forms and documents.
How does eBizFlow work?
Correspondence Management is of paramount importance for all enterprises, government agencies that have to deal with correspondences and adhere to deadlines.
eBizCOM enables organizations to make an easy accessible repository of in coming & outgoing correspondence.
Once a correspondence is registered within eBizCOM all actions undertaken on the document are easily traceable for future follow up actions.
It maintains unique reference for each correspondence and provides alerts to users for actions.
Reseller Opportunities
All our resellers agree that simple installation, innate configuration, immediate support and overall product distinction are some of the many reasons why PaperCut is the top solution for their customers.